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Terms & Conditions

Forest Green Rovers terms and conditions for our ticketing and online streaming services. Policies and regulations available here.

Website terms of use

Thank you for visiting our website. By using our Website, you confirm that you accept these terms and agree to abide by them.

Information about us

These terms and conditions cover the following websites:

- www.fgr.co.uk; 

- www.fgr.co.uk/shop

Operated by us Forest Green Rovers Football Club Limited. We are a company registered in England and Wales under company number 06748691 and our registered office and trading address is at New Lawn, Another Way, Forest Green, Gloucestershire GL6 0FG.

Accessing our site

Access to our Website is permitted on a temporary basis and we reserve the right to withdraw or amend the information and service we provide without notice.

Intellectual property rights

We own or licence all intellectual property rights in our Website and in the material published on it. These works and rights are protected by copyright laws and treaties around the world.

You may print off and download content from this Website for your internal business or personal reference and use. You must not use any of the materials on our Website for commercial purposes without first obtaining our written permission.

The content on our Website must not be modified, copied or downloaded and you must not use any illustrations, photographs, video or audio files or any graphics separately from any accompanying text.

Reliance and liability

Although care is taken to ensure the accuracy of the contents of our Website, no reliance should be placed on any commentary or other materials posted on it and we disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any such reliance.

Use of this Website or its contents is at your own risk and we give no warranties that the contents displayed are accurate, complete or up to date. We accept no liability for any errors, omissions or inaccuracies contained in or referred to on the Website or its contents.

Viruses, hacking and other offences

Whilst care is taken to ensure that our Website is free from computer viruses, trojans, worms, logic bombs or other damaging programmes or material, we accept no liability for any damage caused by these or by a distributed denial-of-service attack due to your use of our site or to your downloading of any material posted on it, or on any website linked to it.

Linking to our site

You may link to our homepage, provided you do so in a way that is fair and legal and does not damage our reputation or take advantage of it, but you must not establish a link in such away as to suggest any form of association, approval or endorsement on our part where none exists.

Our site must not be framed on any other site, nor may you create a link to any part of our site other than the home page. We reserve the right to withdraw linking permission without notice.

Links from our site

Where our site contains links to other sites and resources provided by third parties, these links are provided for your information only.  We have no control over the contents of those sites or resources, and accept no responsibility for them or for any loss or damage that may arise from your use of them.  

Information about you and your visits to our site

We process information about you in accordance with our privacy policy (above). By using our site, you consent to such processing and you warrant that all data provided by you is accurate.

Accessibility and comments

We try to ensure that our website is accessible to all users and our objective is to comply with Part III of the Disability Discrimination Act 1995. We welcome comments on how we could improve our website’s accessibility for users with disabilities. Please send any comments to us by e-mail to webteam@ecotricity.co.uk.

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Thank you.

Home ticket T&C


1. Issue of Home Match Ticket

1.1 The issue of a Home Match Ticket and subsequent access to the Ground is subject to the Ground Regulations (as may be amended from time to time).

1.2 Home Match Tickets are for the use of supporters of the Club and neutrals only. By applying for the Home Match Ticket and/or using the same you hereby warrant and represent that you are a neutral or a supporter of the Club.

1.3 Use of the Home Match Ticket constitutes acceptance of the Ground Regulations and these Conditions of Issue.

1.4 The Home Match Ticket will remain the property of the Club at all times. The Club reserves the right to require the immediate return of the Home Match Ticket at any time.

2. Admission to the Ground

2.1 All persons (including children) must have a valid card or ticket when entering the Ground. The Club will not allow children (or any other person) to be carried through the turnstiles without a valid card or ticket for the relevant Match.

2.2 The Home Match Ticket shall admit the holder to the Match specified on the ticket.

2.3 The Home Match Ticket must be available for inspection and produced by you on demand by any official, steward or security staff of the Club at all times.

2.4 By entering the Ground, all persons acknowledge that photographic images and/or video recordings and/or stills taken from those video recordings may be taken of them and may also be used in televised coverage of the game or by the Club and/or any Football Authority in perpetuity, by way of any present or future media, for any purpose deemed reasonable by the Club, including, without limitation, for marketing or promotional purposes. Entry into the Ground is confirmation that all persons have consented to such use of their image unless the Club is notified in writing to the contrary. In entering the Ground with a person aged under 16, the person accompanying such young person confirms that they have the requisite authority to consent, and does consent, to the provisions of this clause 2.4 on the young person’s behalf. Without prejudice to the consents given in accordance with this clause, if any images should feature an individual prominently the Club will make reasonable efforts to gain the consent of that person before publishing such image.

2.5 Save as set out in clause 2.6 below, you shall not bring into (or use within) the Ground any equipment which is capable of recording or transmitting (by digital or other means) any audio, visual or audio-visual material or any information or data in relation to a Match or any aspect of it. Any person acting in breach of this provision may have such equipment confiscated and/or may be required to deliver up any tapes, films, disks or other recordings or data to the Club and the copyright in such recording or transmission is hereby assigned (by way of present assignment of future copyright pursuant to section 91 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988) to the Club.

2.6 Mobile telephones and cameras are permitted within the Ground, provided that they are used for personal and private use only.

2.7 Save for official Club merchandise and/or other football related clothing worn in good faith, you shall not bring into, use or display within the Ground any sponsorship, promotional or marketing materials.

2.8 You shall not offer or distribute (either free of charge or for sale by any person) within the Ground any consumer article or commercial product of any nature. For the avoidance of doubt this clause shall not prevent the lawful distribution of text publications (e.g. fanzines) in any format where both the content and the publication are lawful in all respects and do not in the Club’s reasonable opinion constitute a threat or potential threat to public order.

2.9 Without prejudice to the representation at clause 1.2 above, and in light of the Home Match Ticket holders being grouped together in designated areas, where any attempt is made by a Home Match ticket holder to gain access to the Ground wearing or carrying apparel (including, without limitation, hats and/or scarves) that demonstrates support for the Visiting Club, the Club reserves the right, in its absolute discretion, to refuse admission to or eject from the Ground any person, and in such circumstances no refund or alternative seat will be made.

2.10 Without prejudice to any other remedies it may have, the Club shall have the right to refuse admission to the Ground to any person holding a Home Match Ticket, or to suspend or eject any person from the Ground, on any occasion, including where (by way of non-limiting examples): 

(a) the Club considers in its absolute discretion that such person’s entry to the Ground may cause danger or discomfort to themselves or to any other person in the Ground; or (b) the Club considers in its absolute discretion that such person has breached (or will breach when entering or occupying the Ground) any of these Conditions of Issue, the Ground Regulations, any applicable law and/or such other regulations as may be applicable and/or as the Club may specify from time-to-time (including ant Coronavirus prevention measures); or (c) such person is the subject of any ban or suspension decision or order imposed by the Club and/or any Football Authority or any other competent authority (including, without limitation, the Police).

Allocation of Seats

3.1 Notwithstanding the seat number on your Home Match Ticket, the Club reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to allocate any seat to you, anywhere in the Ground, for any Match.

3.2 The Home Match Ticket shall not entitle the ticket Holder to occupy or reserve the same, or any other, seat at the Ground for the Season or for any subsequent season. 

3.3 You accept and acknowledge that seating allocation may be subject to social distancing or other Coronavirus prevention measures as determined by the Club from time to time, and that you may not be permitted to sit in the seat numbered on your Home Match Ticket, or by or near anyone who is not a member of your household.

3.4 You must remain in your allocated seat for the duration of the Match, and may not change places with any other person, or occupy any other seat unless you are directed to do so by a steward or Club official.

Use of Home Match Ticket

4.1 You agree that at all times you shall:

(a) behave in a proper and lawful manner while in attendance at the Ground, and not cause any nuisance, annoyance or inconvenience to the Club or any other person (including any other spectators or local residents) or to render void or voidable, in part or whole, any insurance maintained by the Club in respect of the Ground; 

(b) not cause damage to the Ground (fair wear and tear excepted); and

(c) comply with all of the rules and regulations imposed by the Club from time to time in respect of admission and attendance, including, without limitation, the Ground Regulations and any virus prevention requirements.

4.2 The Home Match Ticket is issued for the ticket holder’s sole use and you shall not sell, assign or (save as set out in clauses 4.4 and 4.5 below) transfer the Home Match Ticket or the benefit of it to any other person without the prior written consent of the Club. For the purposes of this provision, a reference to selling the Home Match Ticket includes offering to sell a home Match Ticket (including, without limitation, via any online auction website), exposing a home Match Ticket for sale, making a home Match Ticket available for sale by another and advertising that a home Match Ticket is available for purchase.

4.3 The Home Match Ticket may not be offered as a prize in any promotion or competition or transferred, lent or sold to any third party as part of a hospitality or travel package, given to a third party who agrees to buy another good or service or used for any other commercial purpose without the prior written consent of the Club.

4.4 If more than one Home Match Ticket is issued to you, one Home Match Ticket must be retained by you for your personal use (subject to the provisions below) and the remainder may be transferred to your Guest(s) for his/her personal use only, PROVIDED THAT:

(a) such transfer takes place in consideration of no payment or benefit in excess of the face value of the Home Match Ticket;

(b) such transfer does not take place in the course of any business or for the purpose of facilitating any third party’s business;

(c) such transfer to any Guest(s) will be subject to the Ground Regulations and these Conditions of Issue which will (save for any rights to transfer under this clause or any rights to a refund under section 8) apply to the Guest(s) as if he/she were the original purchaser of the Home Match Ticket (you must inform the Guest(s) of this); and

(d) you will provide the name and address of your Guest(s) when asked to do so by any official, steward or employee of the Club and/or any police officer.

4.5 In the event that you and/or your Guest are unable to use any Home Match Ticket then you may transfer that Home Match Ticket(s) to a natural person who is known to you personally and who would be entitled (under the Ground Regulations and otherwise) to purchase such Home Match Ticket and attend such Match PROVIDED THAT:

(a) such transfer takes place in consideration of no payment or benefit in excess of the face value of the Home Match Ticket;

(b) such transfer does not take place in the course of any business or for the purpose of facilitating any third party’s business;

(c) such transfer will be subject to the Ground Regulations which will apply to the transferee as if he were the original purchaser of the Home Match Ticket (and you must inform the transferee of this); and

(d) you will provide the name and address of the transferee when asked to do so by any official, steward or employee of the Club or any police officer.

4.6 The unauthorised sale or disposal of a home Match Ticket may amount to a criminal offence under section 166 of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994, as amended by the Violent Crime Reduction Act 2006. The Club may inform the police when it becomes aware that a home Match Ticket has been sold illegally and may press for charges to be brought against those breaking this law. If you are convicted of a ticket touting offence, or we reasonably suspect you to have committed such an offence, we will notify the relevant Football Authority who may in turn notify other Clubs and/or the relevant law enforcement authorities. The information that we share for this purpose may include your personal details, information about the offence and about ticket purchases (including payment details). We will use this to identify and prevent ticket touting offences and disorder at Matches.

4.7 Any Home Match Ticket obtained or used in breach of the Ground Regulations or these Conditions of Issue shall be automatically void and all rights conferred or evidenced by such Home Match Ticket shall be nullified. Misuse of a Home Match Ticket may result in the holder being refused entry to, or ejected from the Ground in respect of a particular Match and/or the cancellation and withdrawal of this Home Match Ticket. In the event of any cancellation and withdrawal in accordance with this clause 4.7, no refund shall be payable. The Club further reserves its right to take any legal or disciplinary action against any person(s) as it sees fit in connection with such matters, including a claim for an account of profits made from an unauthorised use of the Home Match Ticket.

4.8 If you act, or incite others to act, in such a way so as to cause the bringing of disciplinary action against the Club by the Football Authority or any other properly authorised regulatory body, you and those acting in concert with you shall be jointly and severally liable to the Club for any loss the Club thereby suffers. Similarly, you and those acting in concert with you shall also be jointly and severally liable to the Club for any loss the Club suffers as a result of the behaviour of a third party gaining access to a Match using your ticket with your permission or through any act or omission on your part.

4.9 If you are aged 16 years old or under, your parent(s) and/or guardian(s) are also responsible for your actions, conduct and compliance with these Conditions, and may be subject to liability, sanction or penalty as a consequence of your conduct, as determined at the Club’s sole discretion.

Pricing & Ticket Information

5.1 Whilst we try to ensure that pricing and ticketing information are correct at all times, errors may occasionally occur. If we discover an error in the price or nature of the ticket you have ordered, we will inform you as soon as possible, and give you the option of reconfirming your order at the correct price/specification or cancelling it. If you opt to cancel your order in these circumstances we will provide you with a full refund including booking fees but not including any other loss you have incurred such as travel, accommodation or loss of amenity. 

5.2 If, despite our reasonable efforts, we are unable to contact you, we will consider your booking to be cancelled, and will refund you in accordance with this clause 5.

Use of Concessionary Tickets

6.1 Concessionary priced Home Match Tickets may only be used by persons that qualify for such concessionary prices, as follows:

(a) “Under 11s”Tickets may only be used by persons who will be aged 0 to 10 on 31 August of the relevant Season. 

(b) “Under 16s” Tickets may only be used by persons who will be aged 11 to 15 on 31 August of the relevant Season. 

(c) “Under 21s” Tickets may only be used by persons who will be aged 16 to 20 on 31 August of the relevant Season.

(d) “Over 65s” Tickets may only be used by persons who will be aged 65 or over on 31 August of the relevant Season.

6.2 Any person entering or seeking to enter the Ground with a concessionary priced Home Match Ticket may be required to provide proof of age in the form of a birth certificate, current passport or valid driving licence or, in the case of Over 65s, an Older Person’s Bus Pass issued by a local authority. Copies of the relevant document are acceptable, so long as the information is clear, legible and has not been doctored. The Club shall determine at its absolute discretion the acceptability of documentation presented as proof of eligibility.

6.3 Any person entering or seeking to enter the Ground with a concessionary priced Home Match Ticket in circumstances where such person cannot demonstrate to the reasonable satisfaction of the Club their eligibility for the concession claimed will be refused entry, and the Club reserves the right to seize and cancel the Home Match Ticket, and shall not be obliged to make any refund.

7. Duplicate / replacement tickets

7.1 The Club is not responsible for any Home Match Ticket which is forgotten, lost, stolen, defaced, damaged or destroyed.

7.2 If the Home Match Ticket is forgotten, lost, stolen, defaced, damaged or destroyed, a duplicate ticket may be issued to the original purchaser on proof of purchase, at the Club’s discretion, upon payment by the original purchaser to the Club of a non-refundable printing fee at the Club’s match day ticket office. The Club reserves the right to withdraw this duplicate ticket facility for any particular Match or Matches without notice, and shall have no liability to any ticket holder in respect of any Home Match Ticket which is lost, stolen, defaced, damaged or destroyed.

Changes, Refunds & Exchanges

8.1 No guarantees are given by the Club that a Home Match will take place at a particular time or on a particular date. The Club reserves the right to abandon, postpone, cancel and/or reschedule any Home Match without notice and, save as provided in this clause 8, without any liability whatsoever.

8.2 The Club makes no representations and does not guarantee that the team for any particular Match will necessarily only be selected from the Club’s regular first team players. The team manager may consider it desirable on occasions to omit regular first team players and select the team from the full playing squad.

8.3 If, for any reason, it is decided that any of the Club’s home league Matches during the Season is to be played at another stadium, then one alternative ticket will be issued to you in respect of that Match.

8.4 In the event that:

1 - for any reason, a Match has to be played out of view of the public (“Behind Closed Doors”); or

2 - Match attendance numbers are restricted as a consequence of any government, Football Authority or other regulatory body guidance or direction;

the Club will endeavour to provide each qualifying Home Match Ticket holder, without charge, with a streaming voucher to enable the ticket holder to view the Match live. The provisions of this clause 8 shall be subject to the permissions of the relevant Football Authority.

8.5 For the purposes of clause 8.4, a qualifying Home Match Ticket shall be any Adult, Under 21s, Over 65s or Disabled Member’s ticket.

8.6 Where a streaming voucher is made available in accordance with this clause 8, the Home Match Ticket may not be exchanged, refunded or used to attend any other Match, including where the qualifying Home Match Ticket Holder opts not to make use of such voucher. Under 11s and Under 16s concessionary tickets will be entitled to claim a refund in accordance with clause 8.10.

8.7 In the event of postponement for any reason of the Match, the unused Home Match Ticket will be valid for entry to the subsequent re-arranged Match (if any). In such circumstances it is the ticket holder’s responsibility to ascertain the date and kick-off time of any rescheduled Match, and these Conditions of Issue shall apply to the rescheduled Match.

8.8 In the event of abandonment of the Match at any time up to and including the half time whistle ticket holders will be entitled to use their Home Match Ticket to gain free entry at a future home Match, subject to any and all applicable terms and conditions.

8.9 In the event of abandonment of the Match after the half time whistle, no refund will be issued and Home Match Tickets will not be valid for entry at any future home Match.

8.10 If, further to clause 8.4, the Club is unable to provide a facility for the ticket holder to view the Match virtually, the Club shall use reasonable endeavours to contact you or to publicly announce the same, and the ticket purchaser may request a refund of the cost of an unused Home Match Ticket and booking fee. Ticket holders may waive their right to a refund under this clause 8.10 and instead permit the Club to retain the price paid as a donation in support of the Club’s activities.

8.11 In order to obtain a refund on the Home Match Ticket in accordance with clause 8.10 above, a written request from the ticket purchaser must be received by the Club’s box office within 72 hours of the Club’s announcement or notification that it cannot provide virtual viewing facilities for the Match.

8.12 Refunds may take up to 7 days to process from the deadline for submission of a refund request, but the Club will make all reasonable efforts to make refunds promptly.

8.13 Refunds will only be made to the person to whom the ticket was originally sold, and the Club may require production of identification to confirm entitlement to a refund under this clause 8. For the avoidance of doubt, entitlement to refunds will be determined at the sole discretion of the Club.

8.14 Where a refund request is not received in accordance with this clause 8, the Club shall consider the unclaimed ticket price as a donation in support of the Club’s activities, and shall be entitled to retain the donation.

8.15 The provisions of this clause 8 represent the sole remedies available to you in the circumstances described. The Club will have no further, or other, liability whatsoever, including (but not limited to) any indirect or consequential loss or damage including (but not limited to) loss of enjoyment or travel or accommodation costs.

Cancellation & Withdrawal of Home Match Ticket

9.1 Without prejudice to any other right or remedy it may have, the Club shall have the right in the case of any serious or persistent breach of the Ground Regulations or these Conditions of Issue to cancel and withdraw any Home Match Ticket issued. In the event of such cancellation, no refund will be paid. Without prejudice to the general nature of the above, the following actions shall constitute a serious breach:

(a) smoking anywhere other than in designated smoking areas;

(b) being (or appearing to be) drunk or intoxicated;

(c) being in possession of or selling, dealing or sharing any drug of any class;

(d) persistent standing in seated areas whilst the Match is in progress;

(e) sale or transfer (save as permitted) of a Home Match Ticket to any person;

(f) deliberate misuse of a Home Match Ticket;

(g) any misrepresentation in relation to clause 1.2;

(h) the possession of a banner or flag that bears material or slogans that are offensive, obscene, abusive or of a racist, homophobic, transphobic, sexist or discriminatory nature;

(i) the throwing of any object within the Ground without lawful authority or excuse;

(j) the use of foul, obscene, abusive and/or racist, homophobic, transphobic, sexist or discriminatory language and/or gestures;

(k) the supply of any misleading or incorrect information in any application;

(l) any breach of clauses 2.4 or 2.5, above;

(m) failure or refusal to observe any social distancing or Coronavirus prevention measures as reasonably required by the Club.

9.2 In addition to the above, racial, homophobic, transphobic., sexist or discriminatory abuse in any form will not be tolerated, either in the Ground, outside the Ground, or on social media platforms. If you are caught abusing a player or any other individual you will be reported to the police  and will be removed (if applicable) and banned from the Ground, the length of which ban shall be determined at the discretion of the Club (on the advice of the police or other authorities, where applicable). In addition, the Season Ticket will be immediately withdrawn, and no refund will be given.

9.3 In the event that a Home Match Ticket is withdrawn or cancelled in accordance with clause 8, the Club reserves the right at its sole discretion to exclude the ticket holder from any membership scheme maintained or organised by the Club and/or to cancel any ticket purchased by the ticket holder for any other Match, and/or disqualify the ticket holder from applying for any Match ticket or season ticket.

9.4 In the event of any cancellation and withdrawal in accordance with this clause 9, the ticket holder shall not be entitled to any refund.

10  Liability and indemnity

10.1 The Club hereby excludes any liability for any loss, injury or damage to persons/property in or around the Ground except, in respect of death or personal injury resulting from any negligence of the Club.

10.2 The Club shall not be responsible for any interruptions and/or restrictions to the view of the Match caused by virtue of (i) the position of the seat and/or (ii) the actions of other spectators.

10.3 Except as otherwise set out in these Conditions, and to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, the Club shall not have any liability in respect of any failure to carry out, or any delay in carrying out, any matter in respect of these Conditions, including admitting you to the Ground for a particular Match, caused by any circumstances outside the Club’s reasonable control.

10.4 You shall indemnify the Club against all costs, charges, claims, expenses, demands and liabilities suffered or incurred by it as a result of any breach of these Conditions or any other terms and conditions, rules, laws or regulations, including, without limitation, the Ground Regulations.

11. General

11.1 The Club reserves the right to make changes to any of the Conditions of Issue or Ground Regulations and notify you of the same by display of such changes at the Ground and on the Website.

11.2 The invalidity or partial invalidity of any provision of these Conditions of Issue shall not prejudice or affect the remainder of these Conditions of Issue, which shall continue in full force and effect.

11.3 The Club’s failure to exercise, or delay in exercising, any right, power or remedy provided by these Conditions, the documents referenced herein or by law shall not constitute a waiver of that right, power or remedy.

11.4 Notwithstanding any other provision in these Conditions of Issue and with the exception of the Football Authority and any other body with the appropriate jurisdiction, no other person other than the ticket holder or the Club has any rights under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 to rely on or enforce any term of these Conditions of Issue. Nothing in these Conditions of Issue shall affect any right or remedy of a third party that exists or is available other than as a result of the aforementioned Act.

11.5 These Conditions of Issue, and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with them shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales. The parties hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of England and Wales.

12 Definitions

The following words and phrases shall have the following meanings:

“Club” means Forest Green Rovers Football Club Limited.

"Conditions of Issue" means these terms and conditions governing the issue and use of a home Match Ticket.

“virus” means the disease known as coronavirus disease (Covid-19) and the virus known as severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and any other relevant diseases deemed of national significance

“Football Authority” means the English Football League (EFL)

"Ground" means The New Lawn, Another Way, Forest Green, Nailsworth, Glos. GL6 0FG

"Ground Regulations" means those ground regulations issued by the Club from time to time that set out the terms and conditions upon which spectators are granted entry to the Ground (copies of which are on display at the Ground, available upon request from the Club and published on the Club’s website www.fgr.co.uk)  

“Guest” means a relative, friend, colleague and/or, companion to disabled supporters who would be entitled to purchase a home Match Ticket under the Terms & Conditions of Entry.

"Home Match Ticket" means the electronic entry card or printed paper ticket (and/or any rights arising out of or in connection with the foregoing) for admission to a Match.

"Match" means any football match in which the Club participates and that takes place at the Ground during the season.

"Visiting Club" means the football club playing against the Club in respect of the Match.

“You” means the ticketholder.

“Website” means the Club’s website www.fgr.co.uk

Away ticket T&C


1. Issue of Away Match Ticket

1.1 The issue of an Away Match Ticket and subsequent access to the Ground is subject to the Ground Regulations (as may be amended from time to time).

1.2 Away Match Tickets are for the use of supporters of the Visiting Club only. By applying for the Away Match Ticket and/or using the same you hereby warrant and represent that you are a neutral or a supporter the Visiting Club and/or that you are not a supporter of the Club.

2. Admission to the Ground

2.1 Use of the Away Match Ticket constitutes acceptance of the Ground Regulations and these Conditions of Issue.

2.2 An Away Match Ticket permits you to occupy at the Match the seat indicated on the Away Match Ticket or such other alternative seat of equal value as the Club may allocate to you at its reasonable discretion.

2.3 Nothing in these Conditions of Issue shall constitute or imply any entitlement to occupy the seat indicated on the Away Match Ticket in any subsequent Match or season.

2.4 Save as set out in paragraph 2.5 below, you shall not bring into (or use within) the Ground any equipment which is capable of recording or transmitting (by digital or other means) any audio, visual or audio-visual material or any information or data in relation to a Match or any aspect of it. Any person acting in breach of this provision may have such equipment confiscated and/or may be required to deliver up any tapes, films, disks or other recordings or data to the Club and the copyright in such recording or transmission is hereby assigned (by way of present assignment of future copyright pursuant to section 91 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988) to the Club.

2.5 Mobile telephones and cameras are permitted within the Ground, provided that they are used for personal and private use only.

2.6 Save for official Club merchandise and/or other football related clothing worn in good faith, you shall not bring into, use or display within the Ground any sponsorship, promotional or marketing materials.

2.7 You shall not offer or distribute (either free or for sale by any person) within the Ground any consumer article or commercial product of any nature. For the avoidance of doubt this paragraph shall not prevent the lawful distribution of text publications (eg fanzines) in any format which do not infringe paragraph 2.6 where both the content and the publication are lawful in all respects and do not in the Club’s reasonable opinion constitute a threat or potential threat to public order.

2.8 The Club reserves the right to refuse admission to or eject from the Ground any person who fails to comply with the Ground Regulations. Without prejudice to the representation at paragraph 1.2 above, and in light of the Away Match Ticket holders being grouped together in designated areas, any attempt to gain access to the Ground wearing or carrying apparel (including, without limitation, hats and/or scarves) that demonstrate support for the home Club, may result in admission being refused or you being ejected from the Ground and in such circumstances no refund or alternative seat will be offered.

3. Use of Away Match Ticket

3.1 The Away Match Ticket is issued for your sole use and you shall not sell, assign or (save as set out in paragraphs 3.3 and 3.4 below) transfer the Away Match Ticket or the benefit of it to any other person without the prior written consent of the Club. The reference to selling the Away Match Ticket includes offering to sell an Away Match Ticket (including, without limitation, via any online auction website), exposing an Away Match Ticket for sale, making an Away Match Ticket available for sale by another and advertising that an Away Match Ticket is available for purchase.

3.2 The Away Match Ticket may not be offered as a prize in any promotion or competition or transferred, lent or sold to any third party as part of a hospitality or travel package, given to a third party who agrees to buy another good or service or used for any other commercial purpose without the prior written consent of the Club.

3.3 If more than one Away Match Ticket is issued to you, one Away Match Ticket must be retained by you for your personal use (subject to the provisions below) and the remainder may be transferred to your Guest(s) for his/her personal use only, PROVIDED THAT:

(a) such transfer takes place in consideration of no payment or benefit in excess of the face value of the Away Match Ticket;

(b) such transfer does not take place in the course of any business or for the purpose of facilitating any third party’s business;

(c) such transfer to any Guest(s) will be subject to the Ground Regulations which will (save for any rights to transfer under this paragraph or any rights to a refund under paragraph 5.3) apply to the Guest(s) as if he/she were the original purchaser of the Away Match Ticket (you must inform the Guest(s) of this); and(d) you will provide the name and address of your Guest(s) when asked to do so by any official, steward or employee of the Club and/or any police officer.

3.4 In the event that you and/or your Guest are unable to use any Away Match Ticket then you may transfer that Away Match Ticket(s) to a natural person who is known to you personally and who would be entitled (under the Ground Regulations and otherwise) to purchase such Away Match Ticket and attend such Match PROVIDED THAT:

(a) such transfer takes place in consideration of no payment or benefit in excess of the face value of the Away Match Ticket;

(b) such transfer does not take place in the course of any business or for the purpose of facilitating any third party’s business;

(c) such transfer will be subject to the Ground Regulations which will (save for any rights to transfer under this paragraph or any rights to a refund under paragraph 5.3) apply to the transferee as if he were the original purchaser of the Away Match Ticket (and you must inform the transferee of this); and(d) you will provide the name and address of the transferee when asked to do so by any official, steward or employee of the Club or any police officer.

3.5 The Away Match Ticket will remain the property of the Club at all times and must be produced together with evidence of your identity if required to do so by any official, steward or employee of the Club or any police officer. The Club reserves the right to require the immediate return of the Away Match Ticket at any time.

3.6 Any Away Match Ticket obtained or used in breach of the Ground Regulations shall be automatically void and all rights conferred or evidenced by such Away Match Ticket shall be nullified. Misuse of this Away Match Ticket may result in the holder being refused entry to, or ejected from the Ground in respect of a particular Match and/or the cancellation and withdrawal of this Away Match Ticket. In the event of any cancellation and withdrawal in accordance with this paragraph 3.6, no refund shall be payable. The Club further reserves its right to take any legal or disciplinary action against any person(s) as it sees fit in connection with such matters, including a claim for an account of profits made from an unauthorised use of the Away Match Ticket.

3.7 If you act, or incite others to act, in such a way so as to cause the bringing of disciplinary action against the Club by The Football Association or any other properly authorised football regulatory body, you and those acting in concert with you shall be jointly and severally liable to the Club for any loss the Club thereby suffers. Similarly, you and those acting in concert with you shall also be jointly and severally liable to the Club for any loss the Club suffers as a result of the behaviour of a third party gaining access to a Match using your ticket with your permission or through any act or omission on your part.

3.8 The unauthorised sale or disposal of an Away Match Ticket may amount to a criminal offence under section 166 of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994, as amended by the Violent Crime Reduction Act 2006. The Club may inform the police when it becomes aware that an Away Match Ticket has been sold illegally and may press for charges to be brought against those breaking this law. If you are convicted of a ticket touting offence, or we reasonably suspect you to have committed such an offence, we will notify the relevant football authority who may in turn notify other Clubs and/or the relevant law enforcement authorities. The information that we share may include your personal details, information about the offence and about ticket purchases (including payment details). We will use this to identify and prevent ticket touting offences and disorder at matches.

4. Pricing & Ticket Information

Whilst we try to ensure that pricing and ticketing information are correct at all times, errors may occasionally occur. If we discover an error in the price or nature of the ticket you have ordered, we will inform you as soon as possible, and give you the option of reconfirming your order at the correct price/specification or cancelling it. If we are unable to contact you, we will unfortunately have to treat the order as cancelled. If the order is cancelled, we will of course provide you with a full refund including booking fees but not including any other loss you may have incurred such as travel, accommodation or loss of amenity.

5. Changes to Dates, Refunds & Exchanges

5.1 No guarantees can be given by the Club that the Match will take place at a particular time or on a particular date. Subject to paragraph 5.2 below, the Club reserves the right to reschedule any Match without notice and without any liability whatsoever. It is your responsibility to ascertain the date and kick-off time of any rescheduled Match.

5.2 In the event that a Match has, for any reason, to be played out of view of the public, you will be entitled to receive a full refund (including any booking fee) on tickets purchased direct from the Club or its authorised agent.

5.3 In the event of postponement, for any reason, of the Match you may use the ticket you have purchased in order to gain entry for the subsequent re-arranged Match (if any).

5.4 In the event of abandonment of the Match at any time up to and including the half time whistle you will be entitled to use the ticket you have purchased to gain free entry at a future match at FGR, subject to any and all applicable terms and conditions.

5.5 No refund will be issued in the event of the abandonment of the Match after the half time whistle and you will not be entitled to use the ticket you have purchased at any future match.

5.6 The Club will have no further, or other, liability whatsoever, including (but not limited to) any indirect or consequential loss or damage including (but not limited to) loss of enjoyment or travel or accommodation costs.

5.7 In order to obtain a refund on the Away Match Ticket, in accordance with paragraph 5.2 above, a written request must be received by the Club’s box office no later than 72 hours prior to the time of the advertised kick off of the Match. A refund (excluding booking fees and subject to a cancellation fee) will only be issued on production of identification that the individual requesting the refund is the person to whom the Away Match Ticket was originally sold. For the avoidance of doubt, the final decision belongs to the Club.6. Any Lost or Stolen Away Match Tickets

6.1 In order to gain admission to the Ground, the Away Match Ticket must be presented in its entirety at the Match or used to gain access to the Stadium.

6.2 The Club is not responsible for any Away Match Ticket which is forgotten, lost, stolen, defaced, damaged or destroyed. If the Away Match Ticket is forgotten, lost, stolen, defaced, damaged or destroyed, a duplicate ticket may be issued to the original purchaser, at the Club’s discretion, upon payment by the original purchaser on proof of purchase  to the Club of a non-refundable administration fee of £10.00 at the Club’s match day ticket office. The Club reserves the right to withdraw this duplicate ticket facility for any particular Match or Matches without notice.

7. Cancellation & Withdrawal of Away Match Ticket

7.1 Without prejudice to any other remedies it may have, the Club shall have the right in the case of any serious or persistent breach of the Ground Regulations to cancel and withdraw any Away Match Ticket issued to the purchaser. In the event of such cancellation, no refund will be paid. Without prejudice to the general nature of the above, the following actions shall constitute serious breach of the Ground Regulations:

(a) smoking anywhere other than in designated smoking areas;

(b) being (or appearing to be) drunk or intoxicated;

(c) persistent standing in seated areas whilst the Match is in progress;

(d) sale or transfer (save as permitted) of this Away Match Ticket to any person;

(e) deliberate misuse of the Away Match Ticket;

(f) any misrepresentation in relation to paragraph 1.2;

(g) the possession of a banner or flag that bears material or slogans that are offensive, obscene, abusive or of a racist, homophobic, sexist or discriminatory nature;

(h) the throwing of any object within the Ground without lawful authority or excuse;

(i) the use of foul, obscene, abusive and/or racist, homophobic, sexist or discriminatory language and/or gestures;

(j) the supply of any misleading or incorrect information in any application; and

(l) any breach of paragraphs 2.4 or 2.5, above.

7.2 In the event that your Away Match Ticket is withdrawn or cancelled, the Club reserves the right to exclude you from any membership scheme maintained or organised by the Club and/or to disqualify you from applying for any Match ticket or season ticket at its discretion.

8. Exclusion of Liability

8.1 The Club hereby excludes any liability for any loss, injury or damage to persons/property in or around the Ground except, in respect of death or personal injury resulting from any negligence of the Club.

8.2 The Club shall not be responsible for any interruptions and/or restrictions to the view of the Match caused by virtue of (i) the position of the seat and/or (ii) the actions of other spectators.

9. General

9.1 The invalidity or partial invalidity of any provision of these Conditions of Issue shall not prejudice or affect the remainder of these Conditions of Issue, which shall continue in full force and effect.

9.2 Notwithstanding any other provision in these Conditions of Issue and with the exception of The FA and any other football body with the appropriate jurisdiction, no other person other than you or the Club has any rights under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 to rely on or enforce any term of these Conditions of Issue. Nothing in these Conditions of Issue shall affect any right or remedy of a third party that exists or is available other than as a result of the aforementioned Act.

9.3 These Conditions of Issue, and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with them shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales. The parties hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of England and Wales.

10. DefinitionsIn the Conditions of Issue, the following words and phrases shall have the following meanings:

"Away Match Ticket" means the electronic entry card or printed paper ticket (and/or any rights arising out of or in connection with the foregoing) for admission to a Match.

“Club” means Forest Green Rovers Football Club Limited.

"Conditions of Issue" means these terms and conditions governing the issue and use of an Away Match Ticket.

"Ground" means The New Lawn, Another Way, Forest Green, Nailsworth, Glos. GL6 0FG

"Ground Regulations" means those ground regulations issued by the Club from time to time that set out the terms and conditions upon which spectators are granted entry to the Ground (copies of which are on display at the Ground and which can also be obtained upon request from the Club) and on website www.fgr.co.uk 

“Guest” means a relative, friend, colleague and/or, companion to disabled supporters who would be entitled to purchase an Away Match Ticket under the Ground Regulations.

"Match" means any football match in which the Club participates and that takes place at the Ground during the season.

"Visiting Club" means the football club playing against the Club in respect of the Match.

Away Travel T&C


1. Unaccompanied minors under the age of 16 will not be able to travel with the Club. Children between the age of 16 and 17 will be able to travel with the Club unaccompanied, on domestic trips, only if their parent or legal guardian has given their prior written consent to the Club.

2. Minors under the age of 16 will only be allowed to travel if accompanied by an accompanying adult over the age of 22 and appropriate consent has been received.

3. A maximum of two minors under the age of 16 are permitted to travel with one accompanying adult. If an adult wants to travel with more than two minors under the age of 16, please contact the club to seek special approval.

4. All Travel is non-transferable and non-refundable.

5. All timings are provisional and subject to change. However you will be advised as soon as possible of any major change. The Club cannot beheld responsible or liable for any delays to your travel arrangements, or for your costs if an Away Match is delayed or rescheduled.

6. When travelling with the Club you must:

I. not smoke (including the use of electronic cigarettes);

II. not carry alcohol (as per Sporting Events (Control ofAlcohol) Act 1985);

III. not carry any object capable of being construed or used as an offensive weapon; and

IV. conduct yourself in a manner befitting a representative of the Club and not do anything or procure that anything be done which might bring the name or reputation of the Club into disrepute.

V. abide by the Ground Regulations in force at the club being visited.

7. Whilst we try to ensure that pricing and other informationon our website is correct at all times, errors may occasionally occur. If we discover an error in the price or other information relating to the Travel you have booked, we will inform you as soon as possible, and give you the option of reconfirming your Travel at the correct price/specification or cancelling it. If we are unable to contact you, we will unfortunately have to treat the Travel as cancelled. If the Travel is cancelled, we will of course provide you with a full refund (including booking fees).

8. If the “Away Match” is cancelled for any reason beyond the Club’s control (e.g. force majeure, such as adverse weather, emergency, coach breakdown etc.) the cost of travel will not be refunded in full in order to cover any out of pocket, non-recoverable expenses incurred by the Club in respect of your booking.

9. The Club hereby excludes any liability for loss, injury ordamage to persons/property suffered during the Travel except in respect of death or personal injury resulting from any negligence of the Club or for the Club's fraud or any other liability of the Club which cannot be excluded under applicable law.

10. In these Terms and Conditions, “Away Match” shall mean a match played by the Club’s first team at a ground other than the New Lawn, “Club” shall mean Forest Green Rovers FC, and “Travel” means any travel to away games booked with or through the Club.

FGR Live T&C


-You must not (nor authorise or permit any other person to): Use a VPN (Virtual Private Network) service or similar to mask or otherwise hide your location for the purposes of watching content in a country or territory where it is blocked for rights reasons.

-You are suspected to be using a VPN to access the platform and in each case no refund will be provided.

-If you are unable to view the game because you are using a VPN or mobile/tablet browser you will not be eligible for a refund as this is clearly stated as a condition of use at the point of purchase.

App only on mobile/tablet devices

-Due to EFL regulations we cannot support live video of first team matches on mobile or tablet web browsers (i.e Safari, Chrome), all access on a mobile or tablet should be done though the Official Club App only.

Email on a match day to obtain refund if any issues

-If you are having technical issues and require a refund please ensure that you have notified us of a problem to fgrtv@streamamg.com during the game with details of the problem, screenshots if possible and information about the devices and browsers you are using. If we are notified during the game we can make attempts to investigate and rectify the problem, issues reported after the match will not qualify for a refund.

Twenty minutes and over downtime for issue means refund

-If you are unable to view the game due to a technical error that is the responsibility of the Club or our providers for more than 20 minutes you will be eligible for a refund.

Windows 8.1 on later is minimum requirement

-In order to access and use our service, your device needs to comply with the following minimum system requirements (may be updated occasionally, for which see section changes and updates section). Minimum requirements: Processor: 2.33GHz or faster x86-compatible processor, or Intel® Atom™ 1.6GHz or faster processor for netbooks; Memory: 2GB (1GB for netbooks) 128MB of graphics memory; Operating Systems: Windows 8.1 or later, Mac 9+

Internet Explorer not available to use with our service

-In order to access and use our service, your device needs to comply with the following minimum system requirements (may be updated occasionally, for which see section changes and updates section). Minimum requirements: Browsers: latest versions of Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Safari; 512MB of RAM (1GB of RAM recommended for netbooks). Internet Explorer is not supported at all and can not be used in line with our service.

When and where live video of first team matches are available

-For first team footage shown on a live basis (certain geographical territories only) not all Club matches will be available for viewing on a ‘live’ basis. This is due to, amongst other things, restrictions with television broadcasters. Any game which is selected for live TV broadcast by an EFL partner broadcaster, whether in the UK or internationally, cannot be shown via this service. Games which are not selected for TV broadcast can be viewed in international territories outside the UK and Ireland. Games which are not selected for TV broadcast and do not kick off between 12.45pm and 5.15pm on a Saturday, or overlap in any way with these hours, can be shown in the domestic market (UK and Ireland) via this service. With this changes to your located territory may affect content access.

Wifi should be used over mobile data

-In order to access and use our service, you will need to provide all necessary equipment including a computer and network/telephone connection. Access to the internet with you being responsible for any service fees associated with such access on both wifi or mobile data. You will require a WIFI or broadband internet connection (DSL/cable or higher) with a minimum download speed of at least 1.2mbps with latency not exceeding 100ms for SD video and 4mbps with latency not exceeding 50ms for HD video. Quality and accessibility of live video streaming on GPRS, 3G or LTE can not be guaranteed. 4G may provide a good viewing experience, but may incur costs associated with its use as well geo-blocking issues if using a UK or Ireland network provider abroad.


-This section does not apply to any single match or other express pay per view arrangement. Your subscription is for the Subscription Period and will, unless we notify you otherwise, be automatically renewed at the end of the previous Subscription Period for a further equivalent period. We will not normally send you reminders of renewal, unless there are changes in your renewal period you need to be aware of (see changes and updates section). You can unsubscribe from FGR Live with effect from the end of your monthly Subscription Period (or relevant renewal month) by contacting us at fgrtv@streamamg.com not less than 5 days prior to the date of renewal. Your subscription will continue until the end of the month in which you notify us in accordance with this section and you will continue to be charged for that month. Unless you have opted to unsubscribe from FGR Live not less than 5 days prior to the date of renewal your subscription will be automatically renewed. You will be deemed to have accepted the renewal on the terms and basis set out in the reminder (or, for monthly subscriptions where we have not notified you in advance of changes, on the same terms as your previous subscription). You will be charged in accordance with the same timings as under the payment plan applicable to your immediately preceding Subscription Period, unless otherwise notified to you as part of any reminder above. If you have unsubscribed from FGR Live rather than renewing and you previously paid by direct debit, you are responsible for ensuring that you cancel your direct debit through your bank in order to prevent any future payments being taken by us. Save for returning payments received by us in error on request from you, we will not accept any liability for payments taken from your bank account as a result of your failure to cancel the direct debit instruction at your bank, including (for example only) interests charges and other fees.

-By submitting your order you have opted to receive your subscription benefits immediately and waived your right to cancel. You will not therefore be entitled to cancel the contract or have any fourteen (14) day ‘cooling off’ period in law, nor receive a refund of the Fee. This does not affect any other rights you may have at law, including where we are at fault. See auto renewal section above regarding cancellation after any automatic renewal. When you acquire a subscription, you acknowledge and agree to all terms and conditions and auto-renewal of your subscription. You may cancel your subscription for the services by logging in and going to the My Account page and clicking on the “Cancel” button. You may cancel your subscription to the services at any time prior to the expiry of your subscription period, but you will continue to have access to the services for the duration of your subscription period. We do not refund any subscription fees paid in case of your cancellation or cancellations that take place after the fourteen day cooling off period.

First team cup games are not available to watch via live video

-Due to EFL and FA broadcasting regulations only first team league matches will be streamed via live video, with varying geographical broadcast restrictions on these matches. Both FA Cup and League Cup matches are not eligible for UK & Ireland or International fans. However live audio commentary will still be available for all cup games for all our fans worldwide.

No refund for not a lot games broadcast in a subscription period

-If you are on a monthly or yearly package, it is an accepted risk when purchasing that some months will have more live fixtures than others, so no refund will be given in those cases. As this is out of our control due to EFL regulations and broadcast rights we can not change this stance and we also do not increase costs in months that have lots of games which is an accepted risk by the club too. This balances out across this season – some months will few games where others will have more, however the price will remain the same throughout a season.

No refund for ignored customer service/lack of attempts of troubleshooting the issue

-As stated previously all live video technical issues and refund requests for a certain game must emailed to fgrtv@streamamg.com during the match in question. Furthermore refunds will only be offered if you have proved to use our troubleshooting advice and support. If you do not take the time troubleshoot, ignore emails and only request a refund without trying to fix the issue with our support team no refund will be issued.

Season ticket T&C


1. Issue of a Season Ticket

1.1 The issue of a Season Ticket and subsequent access to the Ground is subject to these Conditions of Issue and the Ground Regulations (as may be amended from time to time).

1.2 Season Tickets are for the use of supporters of the Club only. By applying for a Season Ticket and/or using the same you hereby warrant and represent that you are a supporter of the Club.

1.3 If you do not agree to accept these Conditions of Issue or the Ground Regulations you must return the Season Ticket to the Club immediately, and it will be revoked. Use of the Season Ticket to gain entry to the Grounds on any occasion shall constitute acceptance of these Conditions of Issue and the Ground Regulations for the duration of the Term.

1.4 The Season Ticket remains the property of the Club at all times. The Club may cancel the Season Ticket in whole or in part at any time without notice. A proportionate refund will be made in certain circumstances (as specified herein), save where the Club cancels the Season Ticket because of a breach of the Ground Regulations or these Conditions of Issue. 

1.5 In the event that the Season Ticket is lost or stolen you must inform the Club immediately.

2. Term

Subject to these Conditions of Issue, a Season Ticket is valid for the duration of the 2024-2025 Season only, and unless terminated earlier in accordance with these Conditions of issue, the rights conferred by a Season Ticket will terminate automatically at the end of the Season.

3. Admission to the Ground

3.1 All persons (including children) must have a valid card or ticket when entering the Ground. The Club will not allow children (or any other person) to be carried through the turnstiles without a valid card or ticket for the relevant Match.

3.2 The Season Ticket shall admit the holder to all home league matches played by the Club’s official first team during the Season at the Ground. The Season Ticket does not allow you access to any other Club match including, but not limited to, any Cup, Trophy or pre-season friendly match.

3.3 The Season Ticket must be available for inspection and produced by you on demand by any official, steward or security staff of the Club at all times where the Season Ticket has been used to gain admission to the Ground.

3.4 By entering the Ground, all persons acknowledge that photographic images and/or video recordings and/or stills taken from those video recordings may be taken of them and may also be used in televised coverage of the game or by the Club and/or any Football Authority in perpetuity, by way of any present or future media, for any purpose deemed reasonable by the Club, including, without limitation, for marketing or promotional purposes. Entry into the Ground is confirmation that all persons have consented to such use of their image unless the Club is notified in writing to the contrary. In entering the Ground with a person aged under 16, the person accompanying such young person confirms that they have the requisite authority to consent, and does consent, to the provisions of this clause 3.4 on the young person’s behalf. Without prejudice to the consents given in accordance with this clause, if any images should feature an individual prominently the Club will make reasonable efforts to gain the consent of that person before publishing such image.

3.5 Save as set out in clause 3.6 below, you shall not bring into (or use within) the Ground any equipment which is capable of recording or transmitting (by digital or other means) any audio, visual or audio-visual material or any information or data in relation to a Match or any aspect of it. Any person acting in breach of this provision may have such equipment confiscated and/or may be required to deliver up any tapes, films, disks or other recordings or data to the Club and the copyright in such recording or transmission is hereby assigned (by way of present assignment of future copyright pursuant to section 91 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988) to the Club.

3.6 Mobile telephones and cameras are permitted within the Ground, provided that they are used for personal and private use only.

3.7 Save for official Club merchandise and/or other football related clothing worn in good faith, you shall not bring into, use or display within the Ground any sponsorship, promotional or marketing materials.

3.8 You shall not offer or distribute (either free of charge or for sale by any person) within the Ground any consumer article or commercial product of any nature. For the avoidance of doubt this clause shall not prevent the lawful distribution of text publications (e.g. fanzines) in any format where both the content and the publication are lawful in all respects and do not in the Club’s reasonable opinion constitute a threat or potential threat to public order.

3.9 Without prejudice to the representation at clause 1.2 above, and in light of the Season Ticket Holders being grouped together in designated areas, where any attempt is made to gain access to the Ground wearing or carrying apparel (including, without limitation, hats and/or scarves) that demonstrates support for the Visiting Club, the Club reserves the right, in its absolute discretion, to refuse admission or eject from the Ground any person, and in such circumstances no refund or alternative will be offered.

3.10 Without prejudice to any other remedies it may have, the Club shall have the right to refuse admission to the Ground to any person holding a Season Ticket, or to suspend or eject any Season Ticket holder from the Ground without liability, on any occasion, including where (by way of non-limiting examples): 

(a) the Club considers in its absolute discretion that such person’s entry to the Ground may cause danger or discomfort to themselves or to any other person in the Ground; or (b) the Club considers in its absolute discretion that such person has breached (or will breach when entering or occupying the Ground) any of these Conditions of Issue, the Ground Regulations, any applicable law and/or such other regulations as may be applicable and/or as the Club may specify from time-to-time (including any Coronavirus prevention measures); or (c) such person is the subject of any ban or suspension decision or order imposed by the Club and/or any Football Authority or any other competent authority (including, without limitation, the Police).

4. Allocation of Seats

4.1 Notwithstanding the seat number on your Season Ticket, the Club reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to allocate any seat to you, anywhere in the Ground, for any Match which your Season Ticket entitles you to attend.

4.2 The Season Ticket shall not entitle the Ticket Holder to occupy or reserve the same, or any other, seat at the Ground for the Season or for any subsequent season. 

4.3 You accept and acknowledge that seating allocation during the Season may be subject to social distancing or other virus prevention measures as determined by the Club from time to time, and that you may not be permitted to sit in the seat numbered on your Season Ticket, or by or near anyone who is not a member of your household.

4.4 You must remain in your allocated seat for the duration of the Match, and may not change places with any other person, or occupy any other seat unless you are directed to do so by a steward or Club official.

5. Use of a Season Ticket

5.1 You agree that at all times you shall:

(a) behave in a proper and lawful manner while in attendance at the Ground, and not cause any nuisance, annoyance or inconvenience to the Club or any other person (including any other spectators or local residents) or to render void or voidable, in part or whole, any insurance maintained by the Club in respect of the Ground; 

(b) not cause damage to the Ground (fair wear and tear excepted); and

(c) comply with all of the rules and regulations imposed by the Club from time to time in respect of admission and attendance, including, without limitation, the Ground Regulations and any virus prevention requirements.

5.2 The Season Ticket is transferable in accordance with clause 12 of these Conditions of Issue. It may not be offered as a prize in any promotion or competition, or sold to any third party as part of a hospitality or travel package, given to a third party who agrees to buy another good or service or used for any other commercial purpose without the prior written consent of the Club.

5.3 The unauthorised sale or disposal of a Season Ticket is a criminal offence under section 166 of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994, as amended by the Violent Crime Reduction Act 2006, and such sale or disposal is also illegal under the terms of section 2 of the Fraud Act 2006. The Club will inform the police when it becomes aware that a Season Ticket has been sold illegally and will press for charges to be brought against those breaking this law.

5.4 Any Season Ticket obtained or used in breach of the Ground Regulations or these Conditions of Issue shall be automatically void and all rights conferred or evidenced by such Season Ticket shall be nullified. Misuse of the Season Ticket may result in the holder being refused entry to, or ejected from the Ground in respect of a particular Match and/or the cancellation and withdrawal of the Season Ticket. In the event of any cancellation and withdrawal in accordance with this clause 5.4, no refund shall be payable. The Club further reserves its right to take any legal or disciplinary action against any person(s) as it sees fit in connection with such matters, including a claim for an account of profits made from an unauthorised use of the Season Ticket.

5.5 If, acting alone or with others, your conduct, or incitement of others results in disciplinary action being taken against the Club by the Football Authority, you shall be jointly and severally liable to the Club for any loss the Club thereby suffers. Similarly, you and those acting in concert with you shall also be jointly and severally liable to the Club for any loss the Club suffers as a result of the behaviour of a third party gaining access to a match using the Season Ticket with your permission or through any act or omission on your part.

5.6 If you are aged 16 years old or under, your parent(s) and/or guardian(s) are also responsible for your actions, conduct and compliance with these Conditions, and may be subject to liability, sanction or penalty as a consequence of your conduct, as determined at the Club’s sole discretion.

7. Pricing & Ticket Information

7.1 Whilst we try to ensure that pricing and ticketing information are correct at all times, errors may occasionally occur. If we discover an error in the price or nature of the ticket you have ordered, we will inform you as soon as possible, and give you the option of reconfirming your order at the correct price/specification or cancelling it. If you opt to cancel your order in these circumstances, we will provide you with a full refund of the Season Ticket price, but not including any other loss you have incurred such as travel, accommodation or loss of amenity. 

7.2 If, despite our reasonable efforts, we are unable to contact you, we will consider your booking to be cancelled, and will refund you in accordance with this clause 7.

8. Use of concessionary tickets

8.1 Concessionary priced Season Tickets may only be used by persons that qualify for such concessionary prices, as follows:

(a) “Under 11s” Season Tickets may only be used by persons who will be aged 0 to 10 on 31 August of the relevant Season. 

(b) “Under 16s” Season Tickets may only be used by persons who will be aged 11 to 15 on 31 August of the relevant Season. 

(c) “Under 21s” Season Tickets may only be used by persons who will be aged 16 to 20 on 31 August of the relevant Season.

(d) “Over 65s” Season Tickets may only be used by persons who will be aged 65 or over on 31 August of the relevant Season.

8.2 Any person entering or seeking to enter the Ground with a concessionary priced Season Ticket may be required to provide proof of age in the form of a birth certificate, current passport or valid driving licence or, in the case of Over 65s, an Older Person’s Bus Pass issued by a local authority. Copies of the relevant document are acceptable, so long as the information is clear, legible and has not been doctored. The Club shall determine at its absolute discretion the acceptability of documentation presented as proof of eligibility.

8.3 Any person entering or seeking to enter the Ground with a concessionary priced Season Ticket in circumstances where such person cannot demonstrate to the reasonable satisfaction of the Club their eligibility for  the concession claimed will be refused entry, and the Club reserves the right to seize and revoke the Season Ticket. The Club shall not be obliged to make any refund in respect of any Matches to which entry is refused, or for any Matches remaining in the Season.

9. Duplicate/replacement tickets

9.1 If you have forgotten the Season Ticket, or otherwise cannot produce it, a duplicate matchday card or ticket may be obtained, at the Club’s discretion, upon payment of a non-refundable administration fee of £10.00 at the Club’s match day ticket office. The Club reserves the right to require proof of identity and/or withdraw this duplicate ticket facility for any particular match or matches without notice.

9.2 The Club is not responsible for any Season Ticket which is lost, stolen, defaced, damaged or destroyed. If the Season Ticket is lost, stolen, defaced, damaged or destroyed, the Club may, subject to the Conditions, and in its discretion, issue a replacement Season Ticket upon payment by the Season Ticket holder of a non-refundable fee of £10.00.

10. Changes, Refunds & Exchanges

10.1 No guarantees are given by the Club that a Match will take place at a particular time or on a particular date. The Club reserves the right to abandon, postpone, cancel and/or reschedule any Match without notice and, save as provided in this clause 10, without any liability whatsoever.

10.2 The Club makes no representations and does not guarantee that the team for any particular Match will necessarily only be selected from the Club’s regular first team players. The team manager may consider it desirable on occasions to omit regular first team players and select the team from the full playing squad.

10.3 If, for any reason, it is decided that any of the Club’s home league Matches during the Season is to be played at another stadium, then one alternative ticket will be issued to you in respect of that Match.

10.4 Save as provided in these Conditions of Issue, no refunds shall be paid or payable by the Club in respect of any Matches which the Season Ticket entitled you to attend but which you did not attend.

10.5 In the event that:

1- for any reason, a Match has to be played out of view of the public (“Behind Closed Doors”); or

2- Match attendance numbers are restricted as a consequence of any government, Football Authority or other regulatory body guidance or direction;

the Club will endeavour to provide each qualifying Season Ticket holder, without charge, with a streaming voucher to enable the ticket holder to view the Match live. The provisions of this clause 10 shall be subject to the permissions of the relevant Football Authority.

10.6 For the purposes of clause 10.5, a qualifying Season Ticket shall be any Adult, Under 21s, Over 65s or Disabled Member’s ticket.

10.7 Where a streaming voucher is made available in accordance with this clause 10, no partial refund will be made by the club in respect of the affected Match, including where the qualifying Season Ticket holder opts not to make use of such voucher. Under 11s or Under 16s concessionary tickets will be entitled to claim a refund in accordance with clause 10.9.

10.8 In the event of postponement for any reason of the Match, the Season Ticket will be valid for entry to the subsequent re-arranged Match (if any). In such circumstances it is the ticket holder’s responsibility to ascertain the date and kick-off time of any rescheduled Match, and these Conditions of Issue shall apply to the rescheduled Match.

10.9 In the event of abandonment of the Match, no refund will be issued in respect of the abandoned Match.

10.10 If, further to clause 10.5, the Club is unable to provide a facility for you to view the Match, the affected Match shall constitute a “Missed Match”. The Club shall use reasonable endeavours to contact you or to publicly announce the same and subject to the provisions of clause 10.11 the Season Ticket holder shall be entitled to a proportionate refund of the Season Ticket Price. Ticket holders may waive their right to a refund under this clause 10.10 and instead permit the Club to retain the price paid as a donation in support of the Club’s activities.

10.11 At the end of the Season, Season Ticket Holders shall be entitled to claim a proportionate refund of the Season Ticket price in respect of any Missed Match(es), calculated as follows:

Season ticket price/Number of home matches in the season X Number of missed matches = Refund entitlement.

10.12 Refund entitlement will only be calculated, and refunds made, at the end of the Season. Refunds will not be available during the Season, and requests for refunds during the Season will be refused.

10.13 Where a Season Ticket Holder wishes to apply for a refund in accordance clause 10.11 above, a written request from the ticket purchaser must be received by the Club’s box office within 5 working days of the last day of the of the Season.

10.14 Refunds may take up to 7 days to process from the deadline for submission of a refund request, but the Club will make all reasonable efforts to make refunds promptly.

10.15 Refunds will only be made to the person to whom the ticket was originally sold. The Club may require production of identification to confirm entitlement to a refund under this clause 10. For the avoidance of doubt, entitlement to refunds will be determined at the sole discretion of the Club.

10.16 Where a refund request is not received in accordance with this clause 10, the Club shall consider the unclaimed entitlement as a donation in support of the Club’s activities, and shall be entitled to retain the donation.

10.17 The provisions of this clause 10 represent the sole remedies available to you in the circumstances described. The Club will have no further, or other, liability whatsoever, including (but not limited to) any indirect or consequential loss or damage including (but not limited to) loss of enjoyment or travel or accommodation costs.

11. Default and suspension and/or termination of Season Tickets

11.1 Without prejudice to any other right or remedy it may have, the Club may suspend, withdraw and/or cancel the Season Ticket without the payment of any refund, in the event that you are: under investigation by the Police; charged with, cautioned for or found guilty of any football related offence anywhere in the world; ejected and/or banned from the Ground or any other sports stadium anywhere in the world; or in breach any of the Ground Regulations or Conditions of Issue. Without prejudice to the general nature of the above, the following actions shall constitute a breach:

(a) smoking anywhere other than in designated smoking areas;

(b) being (or appearing to be) drunk or intoxicated;

(c) being in possession of or selling, dealing or sharing any drug of any class;

(d) persistent standing in seated areas whilst the Match is in progress;

(e) sale or transfer (save as permitted) of a Season Ticket to any person;

(f) deliberate misuse of a Season Ticket;

(g) any misrepresentation in relation to clause 1.2;

(h) the possession of a banner or flag that bears material or slogans that are offensive, obscene, abusive or of a racist, homophobic, transphobic, sexist or discriminatory nature;

(i) the throwing of any object within the Ground without lawful authority or excuse;

(j) the use of foul, obscene, abusive and/or racist, homophobic, transphobic, sexist or discriminatory language and/or gestures;

(k) the supply of any misleading or incorrect information in any application;

(l) any breach of clauses 3.5 or 3.6, above;

(m) failure or refusal to observe any social distancing or Coronavirus prevention measures as reasonably required by the Club.

11.2 Upon request by a Club official or a police officer you must immediately surrender the Season Ticket.

11.3 In addition to the above, racial, homophobic, transphobic, sexist or discriminatory abuse in any form will not be tolerated, either in the Ground, outside the Ground, or on social media platforms. If you are caught abusing a player or any other individual you will be reported to the police and will be removed (if applicable) and banned from the Ground, the length of which ban shall be determined at the discretion of the Club (on the advice of the police or other authorities, where applicable). In addition, the Season Ticket will be immediately withdrawn, all rights conferred by the Season Ticket revoked, and no refund will be given.

11.4 In the event that a Season Ticket is withdrawn or cancelled in accordance with this clause 11, the Club reserves the right at its sole discretion to exclude the ticket holder from any membership scheme maintained or organised by the Club and/or to cancel any ticket purchased by the ticket holder for any other Match, and/or disqualify the ticket holder from applying for any Match ticket or season ticket.

11.5 In the event of any cancellation and withdrawal in accordance with this clause 11, no refund shall be payable in respect of any unexpired portion of the Season Ticket.

12. Sale, assignment and third party rights

12.1      All rights conferred by the Season Ticket are personal to the ticket holder and shall cease upon the death of the ticket holder. 

12.2 You may temporarily assign or lend the Season Ticket, or any benefit of it, to a Guest who is also a supporter of the Club for no more than three successive home Matches and no more than ten home Matches in total during the Season. You agree you are jointly and severally responsible for any breach of these Conditions of Issue and / or the Ground Regulations by the Guest using your Season Ticket. You must provide the name and address of your Guest(s) when asked to do so by any official, steward or employee of the Club and/or any police officer.

12.3 If you have purchased your Season Ticket at a concessionary price you may not temporarily assign or lend your Season Ticket to a Guest who would not be entitled to the same concession i.e. you should not assign or loan an Under 11s Season Ticket or Under 16s Ticket to an adult. Your Guest must provide proof of age if required as set out in clause 8.2.

12.4 You may not temporarily assign or lend the Season Ticket to someone you know, or suspect, is the subject of a ban by the Club or any other football club.

12.5 If you wish to assign or loan the Season Ticket for more than ten home matches during the Season you must first obtain the express written consent of the Club by emailing reception@fgr.co.uk or calling 0333 123 1889. Such consent may be withheld at the Club’s absolute discretion and may be given by the Club before or after any such assignment, transfer or lending.

12.6 You may not profit from the assignment or loan of the Season Ticket under any circumstances.

12.7 Any breach or suspected breach of this clause 12 may result in the withdrawal and termination of the Season Ticket by the Club.

13 Disabled Members

13.1 Disabled Members must bring their current Season Ticket with them to every home Match. A disabled Member’s carer/companion must also bring their ticket with them to every home Match.

13.2 Carers/companions must not use a Disabled Member’s Season Ticket to attend matches on their own or with any person than the Season Ticket holder. The Club reserves the right to remove and to ban from the Ground any person suspected of misusing a Disabled Member’s Season Ticket.

13.3 Disabled Season Ticket Holders must also bring their Disabled Supporters Registration Card (the white photo ID card) with them to every Match.

14. Liability and indemnity

14.1 The Club hereby excludes any liability for loss, injury or damage to persons/property in or around the Ground except in respect of death or personal injury resulting from any negligence of the Club.

14.2 The Club shall not be responsible for any interruptions and/or restrictions to the view of a match caused by virtue of the position of the seat and/or the actions of other spectators.

14.3 Except as otherwise set out in these Conditions, and to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, the Club shall not have any liability in respect of any failure to carry out, or any delay in carrying out, any matter in respect of these Conditions, including admitting you to the Ground for a particular Match, caused by any circumstances outside the Club’s reasonable control.

14.4 You shall indemnify the Club against all costs, charges, claims, expenses, demands and liabilities suffered or incurred by it as a result of any breach of these Conditions of Issue or any other terms and conditions, rules, laws or regulations, including, without limitation, the Ground Regulations.

15. General

15.1 The Club reserves the right to make changes to any of the Conditions of Issue or Ground Regulations at any time, and will notify you of the same by display of such changes at the Ground and on the Website.

15.2 You should notify the Club immediately of any change of address or personal details of a Season Ticket holder by email to reception@fgr.co.uk or in writing to New Lawn, Another Way, Forest Green, Nailsworth, Gloucestershire GL6 0FG. Please quote your membership number when making such notification.

15.3 These Conditions of Issue and the Ground Regulations together constitute the whole and only agreement between us in respect of the Season Ticket and supersede and extinguish all prior oral or written agreements, understandings or arrangements between us relating to the subject matter of these Conditions of Issue.

15.4 The invalidity or partial invalidity of any provision of these Conditions of Issue shall not prejudice or affect the remainder of these Conditions of Issue, which shall continue in full force and effect.

15.5 The Club’s failure to exercise, or delay in exercising, any right, power or remedy provided by these Conditions of Issue, the documents referenced herein or by law shall not constitute a waiver of that right, power or remedy.

15.6 Notwithstanding any other provision in these Conditions of Issue and with the exception of the Football Authority and any other body with the appropriate jurisdiction, no other person other than the ticket holder or the Club has any rights under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 to rely on or enforce any term of these Conditions of Issue. Nothing in these Conditions of Issue shall affect any right or remedy of a third party that exists or is available other than as a result of the aforementioned Act.

15.7 These Conditions of Issue, and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with them, shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales. The parties hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.

16 Definitions

In these Conditions, the following terms have the following meanings:

“Club” means Forest Green Rovers Football Club Limited.

“Conditions of Issue” means the terms and conditions governing the use of a Season Ticket, as set out in this document and as amended from time to time.

“virus” includes the disease known as coronavirus disease (Covid-19) and the virus known as severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) as well as any other relevant diseases deemed of national significance

“Disabled Member” means a Season Ticket holder who holds a valid Disabled Supporters Registration Card.

“Football Authority” means the English Football League (EFL).

“Ground” means The New Lawn, Another Way, Forest Green, Nailsworth, Gloucestershire, GL6 0FG.

“Ground Regulations” means those ground regulations issued by the Club from time to time that set out the terms and conditions upon which spectators are granted entry to the Ground (copies of which are on display at the Ground, available upon request from the Club and published on the Club’s website www.fgr.co.uk).

“Guest” means a relative, friend, colleague and/or, companion to disabled supporters who would be entitled to purchase a Match Ticket under the Ground Regulations.

"Match" means any football match in which the Club participates and that takes place at the Ground during the season.

“Plan” means the arrangement between you and the Club on the terms of which you will  pay for the Season Ticket(s) by way of four (4) instalments.

“Season” means the football season 2024-2025 (the season in which the Season Ticket is valid).

“Season Ticket” means the (electronic) entry card entitling you to admission to certain home games played by the Club at the Ground.

"Visiting Club" means the football club playing against the Club at any Match.

“You” means the ticket holder.

“Website” means the Club’s website www.fgr.co.uk

Ground regulations

Notice: Entry to the Ground is expressly subject to acceptance by the visitor of these Ground Regulations and the rules and regulations of FIFA, UEFA, The Football Association, The Premier League and The English Football League (EFL) in respect of the relevant competition. The Ground Regulations incorporate the Club's Customer Charter (if any). Entry to the Ground shall constitute acceptance of the Ground Regulations. 

“Ground” means this football stadium and all locations owned, occupied or utilised by the Club.

“Club” means this football club.

“Match” means any association football match (or any part or aspect of such a match) taking place at the Ground.

“Material” means any audio, visual and/or audio-visual material and/or any information or data.

“Football Authority” means each of The English Football League (EFL) League, The Premier League, The Football Association, the Football Association of Wales, FIFA, UEFA and any other relevant governing body of association football

1 Notwithstanding possession of any ticket the Club, any police officer or authorised steward may refuse entry to (or eject from) the Ground any person:

1.1 That fails (or in the Club’s reasonable opinion is likely to fail) to comply with these Ground Regulations or any reasonable instruction issued by a police officer or authorised steward or officer of the Club; and/or

1.2 Whose presence within the Ground is, or could (in the Club’s reasonable opinion), constitute a source of danger, nuisance or annoyance to any other person.On no account will admission be granted to a person who is the subject of a current Banning Order under the Football Spectators Act 1989 (as amended) or has been convicted of ticket touting offences under section 166 of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 (as amended).

2. On no account will admission be granted to a person who is the subject of a current Banning Order under the Football Spectators Act 1989 (as amended) or has been convicted of ticket touting offences under section 166 of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 (as amended).

3. The Club excludes to the maximum extent permitted by law any liability for loss, injury or damage to persons/property in or around the Ground

4. No guarantees can be given by the Club that a Match will take place at a particular time or on a particular date and the Club reserves the right to reschedule the Match without notice and without any liability whatsoever, save only to the extent provided pursuant to paragraph 5.

5. In the event of the postponement or abandonment of the Match, refunds (if any) will be made in accordance with the Club’s Customer Charter. The Club will have no further liability whatsoever, including (but not limited to) any indirect or consequential loss or damage, such as (but not limited to) loss of enjoyment or travel costs.

6. All persons seeking entrance to the Ground acknowledge the Club’s right to search any person entering the Ground and to refuse entry to or eject from the Ground any person refusing to submit to such a search.

7. The following articles must not be brought within the Ground - knives, fireworks, smoke canisters, air-horns, flares, weapons, dangerous or hazardous items, laser devices, bottles, glass vessels, cans, poles and any article that might be used as a weapon and/or compromise public safety and/or illegal substances. Any person in possession of such items will be refused entry to the Ground.

8. Further, you may not bring into the Ground:

8.1 Any sponsorship, promotional or marketing materials save in respect of official club merchandise and/or other football related clothing worn in good faith;

8.2 Any flags or banners larger than those maximum dimensions permitted by the Club from time to time (or, in the absence of such stipulations, 2 metres x 1 metre) and/or of an offensive nature;

8.3 Nor may you offer (either free or for sale by any person) any goods (including literature) of any nature, without the express written approval of the Club’s management.

9. The use of threatening behaviour, foul or abusive language is strictly forbidden and will result in arrest and/or ejection from the Ground. The Club may impose a ban for one or more Matches.

10. Discriminatory abuse, chanting or harassment of any kind, including without limitation in relation to race, disability, sex, religion, sexual orientation or any other protected characteristic under the Equality Act 2010, is strictly forbidden and will result in arrest and/or ejection from the Ground. The Club may impose a ban for one or more Matches.

11. The following acts are offences under the Football (Offences) Act 1991 (as amended):

11.1 The throwing of any object within the Ground without lawful authority or excuse.

11.2  The chanting of anything of an indecent or racialist nature.

11.3 The entry onto the playing area or any adjacent area to which spectators are not generally admitted without lawful authority or excuse.

Conviction may result in a Banning Order being made.

12. All persons entering the Ground may only occupy the seat allocated to them by their ticket and must not move from any one part of the Ground to another without the express permission or instruction of any steward, officer of the Club and/or any police officer.

13. Nobody may stand in any seating area whilst play is in progress, unless the area is a designated safe standing area. Persistent standing in seated areas (other than designated safe standing areas) whilst play is in progress is strictly forbidden and may result in ejection from the Ground.

14. The obstruction of gangways, access ways, exits and entrances, stairways and like places is strictly forbidden. Nobody entering the Ground shall be permitted to climb any structures within the Ground.

15. EFL stadia are smoke-free and smoking is not permitted inside the Ground.

16. Mobile telephones and other mobile devices are permitted within the Ground PROVIDED THAT (i) they are used for personal and private use only (which, for the avoidance of doubt and by way of example only, shall not include the capturing, logging, recording, transmitting, playing, issuing, showing, or any other communication of any Material for any commercial purposes); and (ii) no Material that is captured, logged, recorded, transmitted, played, issued, shown or otherwise communicated by a mobile telephone or other mobile device may be published or otherwise made available to any third parties including, without limitation, via social networking sites.

17. Under the Sporting Events (Control of Alcohol etc.) Act 1985 (as amended), the following are offences for which a person can be arrested by a police officer and conviction could result in a Banning Order being made:

17.1   Attempting to enter the Ground or being inside the Ground whilst drunk;

17.2 Being in possession of any intoxicating liquor, or bottle, can or other portable container and which could cause damage or personal injury, when entering the Ground or in a public area of the Ground from which the event can be directly viewed.

18. Any individual who has entered any part of the Ground designated for the use of any group of supporters to which he does not belong may be ejected from the Ground either for the purposes of his own safety or for any other reason.

19. Save as set out in paragraph 16 above, no person (other than a person who holds an appropriate licence) may capture, log, record, transmit, play, issue, show or otherwise communicate (by digital or other means) any Material in relation to the Match, any players or other persons present in the Ground and/or the Ground, nor may they bring into the Ground or use within the Ground (or provide to, facilitate or otherwise assist another person to use within the Ground) any equipment or technology which is capable of capturing, logging, recording, transmitting, playing, issuing, showing or otherwise communicating (by digital or other means) any such Material. The Club reserves the right to eject you from the Ground in circumstances where you breach this paragraph 19.

20. The copyright, database rights and any other intellectual property rights in and to all Material that you produce at the Ground in relation to the Match, any players or other persons present in the Ground and/or the Ground (whether produced in breach of paragraph 19 above, or pursuant to paragraph 16 above, or otherwise) is hereby assigned (including by way of present assignment of future copyright pursuant to section 91 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988) to the Club and the EFL. You further agree (if and whenever required to do so by the Club and/ or the EFL) to promptly execute all instruments and do all things necessary to vest the right, title and interest in such rights to the Club and the EFL absolutely and with full title guarantee.

21. No goods (including literature) of any nature may be offered either free or for sale by any person within the Ground without the express written permission of the Club.

22. Tickets are not transferable and may not be offered for sale without the prior written permission of the Club or otherwise in accordance with the relevant ticket terms and conditions. Any tickets that are transferred are transferred subject to these Ground Regulations. Any tickets offered for sale may be confiscated by any steward, officer of the Club or any police officer. The Club reserves the right to refuse admission to or eject from the Ground, and/or “blacklist”, any person who has offered for sale or transferred his/her ticket in contravention of the relevant ticket terms and conditions (and/or the holder of any ticket that has been transferred in contravention of the relevant ticket terms and conditions). Tickets remain the property of the Club at all times.

23. CCTV cameras are in use around and in the Ground. Body worn video cameras recording video and/or audio may also be used as appropriate, to record images or audio which identifies you as an individual, for example to record prohibited behaviours as referenced in paragraphs 9 and 10. The Club may itself use or pass to the police or any Football Authority or other clubs, any recordings for use in any proceedings.

24. At all times whilst present in the Ground, persons must comply with any and all instructions of any steward or officer of the Club and/or any police officer. Failure to comply with any instruction may lead to immediate ejection from the Ground.

25. By entering the Ground, all persons are acknowledging that photographic images and/or audio, visual and/or audio-visual recordings and/or feeds (and/or stills taken therefrom ) may be taken of them and may also be used, by way of example and without limitation, in televised coverage of the game and/or for promotional, training, editorial or marketing purposes by the Club, the EFL or others (including commercial partners and accredited media organisations) and entry into the Ground constitutes your acknowledgement of such use. You further acknowledge that photographic images and/or audio, visual and/or audio-visual recordings and/ or feeds (and/or stills taken therefrom) may be used (by the Club or by a third party, such as a law enforcement body) to identify you as an individual, where permitted by data protection laws, for the purposes of preventing or detecting crime, or any breach of these Ground Regulations. Information about the Club’s use of your personal data will be brought to your attention by the Club (see for example any applicable privacy policy, signage and/or other forms of announcement in or around the ground). For further information please contact the Club.

26. All ticket holders agree that the Matches for which the tickets have been purchased are public, and that their appearance and actions inside and in the perimeter of the Ground where a Match occurs are public in nature, and that they shall have no expectation of privacy with regard to their actions or conduct at Matches.

27. Further to paragraph 25, if such person is under 18 years of age, the parent, guardian, or responsible adult who is accompanying them into the Ground shall be deemed to have provided consent on their behalf.

28.Refused entry to (or ejection from) the Ground may lead to further action by the Club including, but not limited to, the withdrawal of any season ticket (without reimbursement), Club Membership and other benefits.

Published by the EFL. Season 2019/2020

Monthly Competitions

FGR competitions and prize draws (the “Competition(s)”) are run by Forest Green Rovers Football Club Limited (the “Club”) (company number 06748691) whose registered office is at Lion House, Rowcroft, Stroud, Gloucestershire, GL5 3BY.

By entering a Competition, you fully agree to and accept these Competition Terms and Conditions (“T&Cs”). In addition to these T&Cs, Competitions will also have their own specific terms (such as the details of how to enter, the opening/closing dates and the sort of prize you may win). Any such Competition-specific terms will be made available as part of the promotion of the particular Competition, or on the relevant section of the Club’s website (the “Competition Information”). You should therefore read these T&Cs in combination with any applicable Competition Information.

Who Can Enter

1.1) Competitions are open to residents of England, Scotland and Wales aged 18 years or over. Proof of eligibility may be required. Employees of the Club or their families as well as any person professionally connected with the Competition are not eligible to enter.

1.2) Certain Competitions may have additional eligibility requirements. Any such additional eligibility requirements will be published in the Competition Information. Proof of eligibility may be required.

How to Enter

2.1) Each Competition has its own opening and closing date which is stated in the Competition Information. Any entries received outside the Competition period will not be considered for the Competition, even if they appear to be registered.

2.2) Entry requirements and instructions are set out in the Competition Information.

2.3) There is no entry fee, and no purchase is necessary to enter a Competition.

2.4) Only one entry will be accepted per person. Multiple entries from the same person will be disqualified.

2.5) The Club reserves the right to cancel or amend the Competition and these terms and conditions without notice. Any changes to the Competition will be notified to entrants as soon as reasonably possible by the Club.

2.6) Entrants must not be subject to a Football Banning Order or banned from attending matches in the UK. The Club reserves the right, at its sole discretion and without liability, to refuse to award the prize to any winner who is subject to such an order or ban.

2.7) No refund may be claimed for expenses incurred in participating in the Competition.

2.8) No responsibility can be accepted for entries not received for whatever reason.

2.9) The Club reserves the right to disqualify entrants if their conduct is contrary to the spirit or intention of the Competition. 

2.10) Where entries are automatic, you may contact the Club to request that you are not entered into a Competition. 

3. The Prize

3.1) The prize is as stated in the Competition Information, and no cash or other alternatives will be offered. The prizes are not negotiable or transferable. Prizes are subject to availability.

4. Winner 

4.1) The Club’s decision in respect of all matters to do with the Competition will be final and no correspondence or discussion will be entered into.

4.2) Unless otherwise specified in the Competition Information, winners will be chosen at random by computer software, from all entries received and verified by the Club and or its agents

4.3) Unless otherwise specified in the Competition Information, the winner will be notified by email within 5 days of the closing date. If the winner cannot be contacted or does not claim the prize within 7 days of notification, the Club reserves the right to withdraw the prize from the winner and pick a replacement winner. 

4.4) The Club will notify the winner when and where the prize can be collected / is delivered.

4.5) The Club must either publish or make available information that indicates that a valid award took place. To comply with this obligation, the Club will publish the name of prize winners on its website or social media channels.

4.6) If any entrant objects to the information described in the above paragraph being made available, they may contact the Club to object. This will not affect the entrant’s chances of winning the prize. In such circumstances, the Club must still provide that entrant’s information to the Advertising Standards Authority on request.)


5.1) Insofar as is permitted by law, the Club, its agents or distributors will not in any circumstances be responsible or liable to compensate the winner or accept any liability for any loss, damage, personal injury or death occurring as a result of taking up the prize, except where it is caused by the negligence of the Club, its agents or distributors or that of its employees. Your statutory rights are not affected. 

5.2) The Club will only process entrants’ personal information as set out in these T&Cs and the Club’s Privacy Policy, available here: https://www.fgr.co.uk/policies.

5.3) If there is any reason to believe that there has been a breach of these T&Cs or the Club’s Behaviour Policy (available here: https://www.fgr.co.uk/policies), the Club may, at its sole discretion, exclude entrants from participating in the Competition. 

5.4) If any provision of these T&Cs shall be found by any court or administrative body of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable, such invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect the other provisions of these T&Cs, and all provisions not affected by such invalidity or unenforceability shall remain in full force and effect.

5.5) Competitions, and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with them, shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law. Each entrant agrees that the courts of England and Wales shall have non-exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute or claim that arises out of or in connection with a Competition.

End Stop

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