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Forest Green Rovers
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Renishaw is one of the world's leading engineering and scientific technology companies, with expertise in precision measurement and healthcare. They employ over 5,000 people worldwide and supply products for use in applications as diverse as jet engine and wind turbine manufacture, through to 3D printing, dentistry and brain surgery.


Renishaw have an ambition to become a leader in sustainability, as they continue to lower their emissions, minimise their waste and provide solutions to customers to help them manufacture more with less. In November 2021, they committed to a Net Zero 2050 target which will be validated and monitored by the SBTi (Science Based Target initiative), an international body that defines and promotes best practice in emissions reductions and Net Zero targets in line with climate science.

Renishaw's Head of Communications, Chris Pockett, said: “Renishaw has had a long-term relationship with Forest Green Rovers and as the largest private sector employer in Gloucestershire, we share many common community interests, including hosting the club’s park and ride facility at our Nailsworth site for many years, helping reduce local congestion. We are very pleased to renew our partnership with FGR at a time that we are both continuing to work hard to make our organisations more sustainable and achieve respective Net Zero targets.”

You can follow Renishaw on LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook.

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