Powervault is a leading UK innovator in smart home electricity storage, developing and manufacturing its products here in the UK. We delivered the UK’s first fully-integrated home energy storage product (2014), the first time-of-use tariff + storage offering (2017), the first DNO services contract for home energy storage (2018) and the first Second Life battery (2018).
Powervault’s products empower homeowners and small businesses to take control of their electricity usage and reduce both their electricity costs and CO2 emissions via four routes:
Storing free surplus solar energy generated on-site to use when needed, instead of exporting to the grid in the day when the grid often does not need it;
Exporting electricity back to the grid at times when the grid needs it to prevent power cuts;
Arbitraging novel electricity tariffs to import electricity from the grid when it is cheap to reduce demand on the grid at peak times when it is expensive (e.g. Ecotricity’s new Time of Use tariff); and
Providing detailed insights and intuitive analytics on high resolution energy usage data, engaging our users in the clean energy transition and unlocking new smart energy services.
All of the above move electricity demand away from carbon intensive generation to renewable generation in line with the Government’s targets.
An example of a Powervault storing surplus solar in the daytime (lower) and the homeowner using it during in the evening (upper)