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Rovers celebrate Global Recycling Day with new initiative

March 18th 2021Conor Shaw

FGR have collaborated with partners Grundon and Lister Unified Communications to encourage phones to be donated for Global Recycling Day.

Organised by the Global Recycling Foundation, the theme of this year’s Global Recycling Day looks to shine a light on Global Recycling Heroes and celebrate all those who have contributed to promoting recycling during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Grundon and Lister are calling on staff to bring in unwanted old phones - and thanks to their donations, you could win a Rovers’ home shirt made from bamboo and a Grundon 'keep-cup' via a social media competition.

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Lister Sales Manager Simon Gardner said: "Spring is almost here, it is a great time for a clear out to find any phones hiding away in a drawer, whether you are working at home or returning to the office.

"A little thing can make such a difference to a local charity and also recycle old equipment rather than them going to waste."

"It’s Global Recycling Day - let’s make an effort. It doesn’t cost anything and it’s so simple for add value to something which would be sitting unused and forgotten."

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Lister donated almost £500 between Gloucestershire Young Carers and adult learning charity Cintre last year.

Nelson Trust, which helps people who have seen their lives hit by addiction, as the recipients from this year’s appeal.

Phones can be collected in a drop-off box at your workplace - once Covid restrictions allow - which can be picked up once 10 have been donated.

Details of how to collect and donate the phones can be found at nelsontrust.com/mobile-phone.

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