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EESI Group renews its Rovers association

August 14th 2020Conor Shaw

We’re pleased to announce that EESI Group, our longest-standing major partner, has signed a two-year extension deal with the Club to remain as the Official Electrical Partner.

The company started its relationship with FGR back in 1999 and holds the naming/branding rights for the EESI South Stand. During our long partnership, the Stonehouse-based business has worked on countless projects for the club, including working on the construction of The New Lawn in 2005/2006 and more recently, the building of our Matchday Control Room and installation of CCTV monitoring to EFL standards, new Gym Bar and upgraded F&B Outlets, whilst continuing to provide ongoing maintenance to keep The New Lawn ticking.

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On securing the extension, Forest Green Chairman Dale Vince said: "I’m chuffed that EESI have renewed their sponsorship of the Club, they’re an important part of our team - and it’s something we really appreciate in the current uncertain environment for all businesses. We’re looking forward to the new season with the EESI South Stand and the push for promotion to League One."

Mike Gardiner said: "At EESI we have been proud to support our local team through sponsorship for many years and see Forest Green Rovers grow into a national team. We are delighted to remain Official Electrical Partner and sponsor of the South Stand. We hope to keep our special relationship with FGR for many years to come."

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At EESI we have been proud to support our local team through sponsorship for many years and see Forest Green Rovers grow into a national team.

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